Every day we ask all our horses for efforts that can cause fatigue, pain and swelling of tendons, joints and muscles.
Cool Clay by Veredus it the clay that helps the issues that sports horses face daily.
Apply Cool Clay on the limbs after training, by working the clay against the grain to reach the horse's skin nicely.
The ingredients of Cool Clay are all natural and very efficient:
Kaolin, a very fine mineral base of porcelain, absorbs the exudates produced by the tendons
The osmotic action of the Dead Sea salts facilitates the elimination of metabolic waste
Arnica is known for its natural anti-inflammatory qualities
Eugenol, cloves extract, is a mild natural anesthetic that gives a feeling of well-being
Cool Clay can be applied cold without wrapping , can also be applied on grazes.
We can then let it act for 10-12 hours and when it's dry we can easily remove it with water.
It contains no solvents and no glycerine.
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